(Eileen! Your hair is SO CUTE!!! It makes you look like a teenager! )
Who is going to miss you?!?!?
WE ARE!!!!
(Click on the We are above for the 5th grade send-off video from the ENTIRE school!!!)
This is a GREAT tribute to the graduates!!! (This was beautiful set to music, but it made the file so big I couldn't share it anywhere, even Youtube!)

Michael, you may think I will remember you for your amazing sense of humor, but you will always be the lead vocalist in the HIGHLY POPULAR Science themed boy-band to me!!!

(Hey, Myers!!! I'm reading a new Gordan Korman novel! What are you reading, because I KNOW you have a book- especially during a pandemic!!!)
If you missed the graduation, I am attaching a link to the video, as well as a link to Mrs. Long's introduction below. I am SO PROUD OF YOUR HARD WORK!!! Congratulations 6th Graders!!!
Download IMG_4262 (2)
Send me your pictures, with BIG signs or small! I'd be happy to post them all!!!