Tips for Testing
1. Your body is used to snack at 9am. With testing, you will not be able to snack till much later. Eat a heartier breakfast than you usually do so you won't be distracted during the test. (But, still bring a snack, you can eat it after the testing.)
2. Tests are tiring, mentally and physically!!! Go to bed a little earlier than usual. (If you fall asleep and drool on the test, it's probably going to be a testing irregularity, and I DO NOT want to be featured on the news! : )
3. Bring your GRIT attitude! You've got this! You are going to CRUSH this! ITBS can only cause good things to happen for you, so SLOW DOWN. Use your extra time to recheck answers, and reread passages. That's what changes a "good" score into a "great" score.
4. Remember what Mrs. Rickman said about testing anxiety. Think positive thoughts, calm yourself, and only have constructive self-talk! Your awesome, and your best is good enough.