We will dismiss early each day this week for Parent-teacher conferences! Here's a copy of our conference schedule! If you are unable to come at your time, please send me an email, in case I am able to offer that time to someone else.
Download 2019-parent-conference
What will we be doing in Class this Week?
Math: Dividing Decimals
Download Model-division-of-a-decimal
We will not be having a spiral review sheet this week, but I'm asking instead that we work on divisibility rules for 2-9 using www.mathisfun.com.
Reading: Point of View/Perspective for Reading
Writing: Narrative (Publishing)
Science: Classifying Organisms (Unit 2)
Sheppard Software: Animal Classification
Sheppard Software: Invertebrates
Animal Classification Game
What Kind of Animal Games (several environments to choose from)
Download 5th Classification of Living Organisms Vocabulary