Download WT 10 18 19 (No Pictures this week! I should have great ones after the DEA visit!)
THE DEA program is Wednesday, and we are looking forward to an amazing program with them! This will cause us to have a modified schedule.
What will we be doing in Class this Week?
Our Spelling Bee will be Wednesday! It's a very traditional "say-spell-say" spelling bee. The list has been posted on Edmodo! Let me know if you don't see it.
Math: (Test Tuesday)
We will prepare for the test by reviewing Monday. Our multiplication skills are SHARP, so we will focus on division of decimals! You should have several individual-skill study guides in your binder. I'd look through each of these, and be sure I could do each type of modeling before we review for the test on Monday. ALSO, you have a homework assignment given out last week. This is an outstanding review for the test! Please bring those with you on Monday! (The test does not use these same problems, but follows this same format, and understanding the format can so very helpful!!!) You also have a few pages we removed from our books. 2 of those pages were to be completed last week. The rest were not assigned. I do not plan to assign these, but want you to have them in case you need additional practice.
We will not be having a spiral review sheet this week, but we will be working on divisibility rules! Here are some additional resources to help you practice:
Download DivisabilityRules (From last week, but still helpful!)
Download Divisibility Rules Avery 10
Download Divisibilty chart blank
Reading: Informational Text features this week, to pair with our informational writing! We are writing an "About Me" nonfiction text on Tuesday. Please bring a picture of you from home to add to your book!
We will also be going over the responses from Last week's Readworks. Text Evidence is a hard concept to grasp! Let's review our answers whole-group, and be better prepared for this next time!
Writing: We are ready to publish our narratives! I know I have many students struggling to type their work. I'd like to have these be due to me no later than this Friday. It would be fine to finish typing these at home, since we will have very little time to work at school. In class, we will be working on Informational Text features! It's a fun unit, and a nice change of pace. I think we'll all enjoy it!
Our Unit 1 WORDLY WISE TEST is Wednesday. Please study the packet, and practice using the Quizlet I've posted on Edmodo! Quizlet can turn the definitions to a fun game, and I always find that very helpful!
Science: (Test Moved to Friday! YAH!!!!)
This week we shift from classifying animals, to classifying plants! Here's a ppt that might help prepare you for Monday!