Dear SFE Families,
As you probably know, Cobb County issued a State of Emergency last night, which includes a directive to “shelter in place.” In order to comply with the directives from our county leaders, we are cancelling the staff parade. This is disappointing for all, but the health and safety of our community is our priority. We will continue to do our best to stay connected with our students and families in a variety of ways. Remember to tune in each morning for the SFE Remote Learning News on the Shallowford Falls Elementary School Facebook page or our Shallowford Instagram!
SFE Administration Team
Dear Students,
I am sad that this was canceled! I know you had shared your excitement over this, and I hate to think about you being disappointed! I have some seasonal allergies, and honestly was afraid people would be scared to see me driving by their house!!! When someone hears a cough or a sneeze these days, it's enough to start a stampede, and I didn't want anyone to get trampled!!!
During our Zoom call yesterday, I told you I wish we would be back at school today. I wanted to say that in a perfect world, I would see you back at school today, but, we do not live in a perfect world! I'm so glad you are home, and that you are well, and SAFE!!! We will have plenty of time after this is over to do the things we are missing most right now. Take care. BE kind to each other. And, sleep late if you can!!!
Mrs. S