Joint the administration for the Morning announcements every day! They will be on Facebook, on the Shallowford Falls page.
SFES (Your parents may need to help with this. I think you'll need to be signed in on Facebook for this.)
Even BETTER! During a pandemic, a teacher assigns homework every day for weeks!!!
1.Complete Wednesday 5-A-Day Math block for WEEK 2
2.Watch Coordinate Number Rock and Coordinate Brain Pop
(log in using Clever)
3.Complete the Hoo’s There? Coordinate Grid from packet
• Plot all the coordinates and connect each group
• Color your picture
4. If you have any extra time, see the Edmodo group for math! I have some video clips there!
Our ZOOM meeting code for today is 689-798-512, and we are meeting at 10 am. I am hopeful I can turn off the password. Currently it is 850387. It is only necessary for you to come if you have math questions. I'm happy to help!
Let's establish some rules:
1. No creepy backgrounds. I love the forest, the beach, the personalized backdrops... But nothing distracting please. We need to stay focused!
2. Let's not eat during a Zoom. It's a quick call to answer questions, so if we could eat before, or wait till after that would be helpful!
3. No side conversations during the call. Tell siblings you are doing school work, and minimize the family conversations as much as you can. If you need to, you can mute your side of the conference, but I hate to see that we are doing that.
4. Minimize your movement during the call. Have a seat, and keep your laptop still so we can see your face! (WE MISS YOUR FACE!!!)
5. Have a list of questions ready! I know you have questions for me, and I am happy to help! I don't want the call to end, and you not to have had a chance to get your question answered!
Reading/Writing/ ELA
1. See Edmododo READING, watch video, complete attached task.
2. Complete Wednesday questions for Faster that a Speeding Train – write in complete sentences
3.Complete Wednesday 5-A-Day Grammar. Use your ELA journals to help you complete the grammar 5-A-Day.
4.Wordly Wise List 13 Activity C
5. Journal Choice Board- Choose one topic for today
1.Watch Electric Circuits Brain Pop
(log in using Clever)
Science Textbook:
2. Read pages 232-239
3.Take Electric Circuits Brain Pop Quiz after reading
Specials- Music
Check Ms. Boland's blog for fifth grade music lessons. She made some ukulele and
recorder video lessons for you here:
Are you doing music at home? Do you play piano or love to sing? Check out Ms. Boland's
FlipGrid post and learn how you can share with Ms. Boland and other Foxes: