LOL!!! My face doesn't really look like this, but I can't wait till we are back at school together!
Clarifications to the plans:
1. When you share with me today, please use Edmodo, and message me, rather than posting on the general page. That way I can reply to what you've written, and both your work and our conversation is private.
2. It's What ya reading Wednesday!!! I've posted a Flipgrid for us to use to enter our responses! Everyone is welcome, even AC!
For some strange reason you can see my example at the first link, but need to add your video to the bottom link! Everyone in our class has a login, and everyone is welcome!
Your password in your ten digit GTID. Let me know if you have issues! I have missed seeing your faces! Hope you are reading!
You are listed under your first and last intials!
Flipgrid code: jenkinssanford6485